
Advantages to Using Cloud-Based HOA Software vs. Desktop Software

People working on a laptop

Which Software Should You Invest In?

In a world of constantly changing technology, one of the most common questions property managers and business owners may face is should I invest in a cloud-based software or stick with traditional desktop software?

When deciding on property management software there is a difference.

Cloud Computing Has Been One of the Fastest Growing Areas of Technology over the Past Decade

Chances are you already use some type of device that currently utilizes some type of cloud-based software or computing system.

Cloud-based software, like Enumerate Central, is simply software that delivers computing services, such as including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, over the internet or “cloud”. Cloud-based software allows multiple users to manage and maintain data easily, and from any location or device.

The Biggest Difference between Cloud-Based Software and Traditional Software Is Freedom

With cloud computing you can easily manage your data across multiple devices.

It is easier than ever to sync together mobile phones, tablets, and laptop computers of multiple users. As a property manager this gives you a huge advantage out in the field. How often have you come across an HOA violation on site that requires attention? With traditional software, you need to take a picture, write down what the violation is, return to the office, and submit a violation form. With a cloud-based system however, it is easy to take a snapshot of the violation on your phone and send the violation directly to your property management software solution. This not only saves you time as a property manager but gets the violation resolved faster as well. Utilizing a cloud-based system helps property managers get work done faster.

It isn’t just violations that can be managed with a cloud-based software. Accounting is a major area that has been improved thanks to cloud-based systems. Online accounting allows property managers to always be connected to their accounts. This means that property managers don’t have to be tied to their office to handle community financials. Make payments and handle accounts receivable from any one of your devices and from any location.

With Cloud-Based Software It’s Easier than Ever to Communicate with Your Staff

In a cloud-based system messages are always saved so you can easily reference a past conversations and share information easily over the cloud.

Things like shared documents are becoming more and more common in the workplace. Enumerate and other cloud-based systems allow you to remain connected with your staff at all times. Making it easy to share and edit files and other documents. Cloud-based software give you an edge in communication.

This is a huge advantage if you have a large team or multiple board members requesting access. Enumerate Central and other cloud-based software systems allow for multiple or unlimited users. This means that teams can easily manage the workload or cover when a team member is sick or on vacation. With your team constantly connected to the network you can get work done on a flexible schedule and reduce time trying to find passwords and other access.

One Last Major Piece One Should Consider When Selecting Which Software to Use Is Security

With our increased reliance on technology, there is increased need for cyber security.

Many people may be concerned that having all your data saved to a cloud means the data is more susceptible to cyber-attack. Turns out a cloud-based system can actually be safer. If your device is stolen and you are using cloud software, your information can not be accessed without proper ID or password. Also, since your data is stored on the cloud you can access it from another device and continue your work. With traditional software having your laptop stolen or compromised can be a major loss of information and may compromise your community.

Cloud-Based Software May Be the Solution for You

With Enumerate Central you get a cloud-based software that allows you to manage your community from anywhere, store important data, and maintain security.

While traditional desktop software may seem like the more familiar option, cloud-based software offers more advantages that make life for a property manager less stressful and more beneficial for your community. Whether you manage a single community or an entire portfolio, learn how you can do more with Enumerate Central.

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