
Benefits of Automating Your AR: A Win for Both You and Your Homeowners

As community managers, you wear many hats—mediator, accountant, organizer, and even the occasional detective. One role that’s crucial but often underappreciated is managing accounts receivable (AR). In a time where convenience is king, offering homeowners online payment options can transform this task from a headache into a breeze.  

Let’s dive into why integrating AR with convenient online payment options isn’t just a good idea—it’s practically a superpower. 

1. Convenience for Homeowners 

Imagine this: It’s 10 PM, and a homeowner suddenly remembers they forgot to pay their HOA dues. Instead of having to wait until the next business day, they can log in to an online portal and settle their balance in minutes.  

A recent survey found that 70% of consumers prefer to pay their bills online because of the convenience it offers. By providing this option, we’re not only meeting modern expectations but also making life easier for everyone involved. 

2. Faster Payments Mean Better Cash Flow 

When payments are easier to make, they’re more likely to be made on time. According to a study by the Association for Financial Professionals, organizations that adopted electronic payments saw a 67% reduction in late payments. For community managers, this translates into a steadier cash flow, which means more timely repairs, better-maintained common areas, and an all-around happier community. 

3. Reduced Administrative Work 

Gone are the days of manually processing checks and entering data into spreadsheets. Online payment systems automate these processes, freeing up valuable time for more critical tasks. Up to 80% of manual tasks can be eliminated with the right software, according to the Institute of Finance and Management. 

“Since we switched to online payments, my workload has decreased significantly,” says James, a community manager. “I have more time to focus on improving the community rather than just managing its finances.”

4. Enhanced Security 

Security is always a concern when it comes to payments. Online payment systems offer robust security measures that protect homeowners’ sensitive information far better than traditional paper methods. According to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime damages are expected to hit $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Utilizing secure, online payment platforms can help mitigate these risks and provide peace of mind for both managers and homeowners. 

5. Real-Time Tracking and Reporting 

One of the biggest advantages of integrating AR with online payments is the ability to track and report in real-time. Instant access to payment histories and account statuses can streamline decision-making processes and improve transparency. 

We can see who has paid and who hasn’t at a glance,” notes Linda, another seasoned community manager. “It’s a game-changer for planning and budgeting.”  

6. Eco-Friendly and Cost-Effective 

Let’s not forget the environmental impact. Going paperless reduces the need for printing and mailing, which is not only eco-friendly but also cost-effective. The Paperless Project estimates that the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper annually. Reducing this usage saves trees and money. 

“Switching to online payments has significantly cut down our paper use,” explains Michael, a property manager.
“It’s a win-win for our budget and the planet.” 

What Does All This Mean? 

Integrating AR with convenient online payment options isn’t just about keeping up with the times—it’s about enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of our communities. It’s about giving homeowners the flexibility they crave, ensuring timely payments, reducing administrative burdens, enhancing security, providing real-time data, and doing our part for the environment.  

Learn More About Community Engagement Software 

Modern technology and resident communication software, such as Enumerate’s Engage platform, can create a more transparent, efficient, and empowering environment for homeowners, board members, and community managers alike. Today’s engagement software is designed to foster connected and thriving communities that all residents are proud to call home. 

So, let’s embrace the future and make our lives (and our homeowners’ lives) a bit easier. Because when it comes to managing a thriving community, every little bit helps. And hey, if it means you get to spend less time chasing checks and more time building relationships, isn’t that a win worth celebrating? 

For more tips and tricks on community management, bookmark our Blog Post page and stay tuned for our next post on navigating CCRs and Violations.

To learn how Enumerate can fully integrate your accounts receivable while increasing resident satisfaction, click here to watch our webinar.


Association for Financial Professionals, “Electronic Payments Study” 
Institute of Finance and Management, “The Benefits of Automation” 

Cybersecurity Ventures “Cybercrime Report” 
The Paperless Project, “Paper Usage Statistics” 
Consumer Preferences Survey, “Online Payments”