
Implementing New Technology in Your HOA Management Company

Man hands typing
You put a lot of thought into the software that you purchase for your HOA management company. It’s important that you also think about the best way to roll that software out to your team and the residents you serve. Here are a few ideas to help with the smooth implementation of your next technology purchase.

Start with a plan. Your implementation plan should include key dates, tasks to be done, and important role players. Create a launch plan that includes when the technology is going live and how you will announce it to your team and to residents. Plan for training for your managers and support for end-users. Having a well-crafted plan will ensure your implementation runs smoothly and no balls are dropped.

Be transparent. Employees may be resistant to change; transparency can help. Employees who are kept in the loop and understand their role in the transition will be more likely to buy-in and help with a successful rollout. Keep employees informed of the progress of the implementation and how it will affect their day-to-day at work.

Training is key. Employees who don’t understand how to use new software are likely to become less productive and less satisfied with their jobs. If employees aren’t taught how to take advantage of the new resources provided to them, implementing new technology can be a wasted effort. Prevent that by making training a high-priority item for your community association managers. Adoption can start from the top. Be sure you attend training courses for the new software. Your team will see the importance of learning how to use the new technology.

Help everyone see the big picture. Share with managers the benefits of the new technology and the factors and decisions that went into making the transition. Emphasize the value of new software, and how this will improve current operations, for your team and residents.

Keep it going. Now that you’ve successfully launched your new technology, keep the momentum going. Take a personal stake in the success of the technology in your organization. You may also want to task a team member with overseeing continued operations- making sure that new hires are trained appropriately and that the team continues to embrace and utilize your new software.