
Tips for PMCs to Stay Competitive by Offering the Best Service to Their Clients

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Staying Ahead of your Competition

Property management is a relatively small field, but it can also be very competitive.

Property management companies must stand out and offer the best solutions, if they want to expand their portfolio. There are several ways Enumerate can help PMC’s stand out and stay competitive. Below are several tips for a PMC can gain a competitive edge, leading to scalable growth. Here are some ways your PMC can stay ahead of the competition and continually offer the best service to your clients.

Offer Electronic Payment Solutions

In today’s digital landscape, the best way for a property management company to stay ahead of competitors is with technology.

The first way to implement these solutions is through electronic payments. Electronic payments not only make it easier for residents to submit their dues and fees, but it also helps PMC’s save time and money.

Electronic payments also result in better bookkeeping. With Enumerate Central, you can receive payments directly from residents which keeps your accounting up to date. This means you are making more money and spending less time on reporting and collections. This makes life easier for both your clients and residents and gives you a competitive edge.

Improve Communication

One of the best ways to gain a competitive edge is through seamless communication with your clients and residents.

The best way to do this is electronic messaging. Flyers and mailers don’t have same personal touch as a direct message. With Enumerate, communication with residents becomes much easier. With our resident portal you can reach out to residents directly to inform them of policy changes, community events, and more. One of our most popular new features is community texting. This allows PMCs to send text messages directly to residents. This helps when it’s time for collections or if you need to communicate changes in policy.

Community texting is also a big help in the event of natural disaster. As we saw this year with COVID-19 and disasters in the past (wildfires, hurricanes, etc.) information changes quickly. It’s important in these events for a PMC to be in touch with residents and inform them of changing procedures and recommendations. Texting is the quickest and most efficient way to do this. Residents can absorb the information faster and act to ensure the safety of them and their home. If you aren’t using this practice right now, you may want to think about providing this to your communities.

Another great way to improve communication with residents is through community websites. With Enumerate you can build your own personal community website which allows you to post or send messages directly to your community residents. This can be a major advantage when there are changes to the community or during unforeseen emergencies like fires, floods, or hurricanes. Being able to quickly communicate like this can lead to major advantages and improve community morale.

Get Automated

One last way to give your PMC a competitive advantage is to automate your processes.

With Enumerate, you can automate your reporting and billing. Meaning you can easily schedule financial reports to generate automatically daily, weekly, or monthly. You can also automate messages to go out to your community. By automating your reporting and other aspects of your community, you can save time and get work done faster. Automation is a great way to improve the daily tasks of your PMC. See how Enumerate can help you automate managing your community.

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