
API Easy as ABC

two people talking about work
API is a short acronym, but many people find it is not short on confusion. APIs don’t need to be intimidating; in fact, they can greatly improve customer service and operational efficiencies.

API stands for application program interface. In a nutshell, an API is a set of code and specifications that software programs use to communicate with each other. The API works as an interface between different software programs and enables their interaction with each other. Basically, the way a user-interface provides the framework for our interaction with computers, an API provides for software programs.

Put the power of APIs to work in your management company. Here a few ways your company will benefit from integrating HOA accounting management software with Nabr Network.

Resident self-service. When your accounting software can “talk” to your communications software, there is a tremendous synergy. Depending on the depth of the API, residents can view their account status, payments, work order and/or violation notices on our platform. There is no need for residents to login to two different portals when they can access their account information plus association news and information all in one place.

Quick access to account status for managers. If your team is working out of a communication platform most of the day to post association resources, news and events, integrating your accounting software makes a lot of sense. With an API in place, managers can view resident account balances and payment history without having to toggle between systems. This empowers managers to work more efficiently.

No dual database management. Integrating your HOA accounting software with your HOA communications software saves managers time. Instead of maintaining an account database and a communications contact list, APIs allow changes made on the accounting side to be pulled over by the communications platform. Having an integrated member database also helps maintain clean and current contact information. Many APIs include the ability to push data back to the accounting software. This means that residents can update their contact information one time in our HOA software system and those changes can be automatically pushed back to the accounting software side. The result: both systems stay up-to-date.

APIs are a powerful method that can be used to create self-service opportunities, maximize your team’s productivity and maintain the integrity of your member accounts and accounting data.

Do you have any questions about how an API can work for your business?