
How to Please Even the Most Finicky of Board Members with Technology

Three people in a work meeting

Technology’s influence on businesses today is undeniable, especially in the property management industry.

Using a solution that is cloud-based ensures you’ll meet even the most finicky of board-members’ expectations.

The rise of cloud-based technology was inevitable. In the past, companies have had to set up and manage their own server infrastructure to host and execute applications. Over the past few years, most companies have eliminated this pain-point by migrating to fully cloud-based work environments.

While it may seem strange or different from the current way of doing business, the property management industry can benefit greatly from new technology. Let’s look at four ways technology can please even the most demanding board member.

4 Ways Technology and Cloud-Based Property Management Software Will Make Board Members Happy

Hard-to-please board members are nothing new.

Here are four ways technology can help you to exceed your board members expectations:

1. Greater Efficiency

We are starting with the most important factor, efficiency.

For board members, time is money—every second matters when running a business. Transitioning from traditional to cloud technology will cost time (again, time = money), so the question to answer here is, will upgrading to a cloud-based property management software be worth it?

100% YES! Choosing the right property management software can improve the overall efficiency of managing your community. Instead of utilizing QuickBooks for accounting and another application for community communications, our cloud technology accomplishes both with just [ONE] software subscription.

You don’t need to install or pay for numerous systems. Instead, having an all-in-one solution allows you to manage all duties from a single system, making things easier for both executives and property managers. Another great bonus is that you can handle all elements of your community in one place. Your association will save money by requiring fewer subscriptions.

2. Iron-Clad Security

A top concern is sensitive data protection.

According to research from last year, new cyberattacks occur every 39 seconds somewhere on the Internet.

Data loss can happen whether you have everything stored in filing cabinets or your computer’s hard drive. A reputable SaaS vendor can protect your data with top-of-the-line security measures, and with IT experts focused on safeguarding sensitive data in cloud settings.

Enumerate Central receives regular automatic upgrades, along with advanced security protections to help minimize the overall security concerns of our users. Aside from being secure from data breaches, our cloud-based solution is programmed to be constantly synchronized and kept in the Cloud. As a result, data recovery is straightforward and fast, allowing organizations to continue operating normally without major disruptions.

3. Full Accessibility

Another way modern technology can help make your board members happy is with their accessibility to your data.

Enumerate Central has made it possible for board members to easily access their accounts from any device. It also enables property managers to stay on top of everything in the neighborhood, no matter where they are.

In times of disruptions that force staff out of the office, users can expect multiple ways to access their accounts. If there’s an internet connection available, they can log in to the system, make payments, record data, and check their accounts. Not just the property managers but board members and your property owners can benefit from this too.

4. Return on Investment

ROI on your investment in a solution for your property management needs and is key to a happy board.

Board members expect a high ROI on tools that are meant to make processes more efficient. ROI doesn’t only translate to dollars on your monthly revenue reports.

It could also come in the following forms:

Improved relationships with your vendors

Increased productivity of your team members

Higher customer satisfaction

Reduced monthly cost on unnecessary software

Check out our case study about an HOA management company in Arizona that saved $200,000 in Administrative Costs Annually using Enumerate Central technology.

Ready to Get Started?

“We streamlined board communications and reporting by 10%.” – Wendy G., The Falls of Autry Mill

Change is scary, we know. One mistake can cost money and your reputation as a property manager. But change can be a good thing too.

Need help convincing demanding board members to start using a solution like Enumerate Central? We can help you educate them and provide thorough explanations to get them on board. Get in touch with our Enumerate representatives. We’re here to help! See how Enumerate can assist your community with our simple integration.