
HOA Document Management Simplified with Nabr Network

Smiling woman, in an office with her laptop
It’s critical that the homeowners in the HOAs you manage have effortless access to important association documents. Nabr Network has the features you need to make HOA document management easy.

Structured Resources library. Nabr Network’s Resources feature allows for the logical setup and organization of HOA documents. You can create custom Resource Groups and then create categories and subcategories within each group of documents. This allows you to set up the file structure that works for you. For example, you can create a Resource Group for Board Meeting Minutes and then categories for each year and subcategories for each month. This makes it easy for residents to find the exact document they are looking for.

Privacy controls. Each Resource Group has its own privacy setting. You can set Resource Groups to be public – where anyone who visits the site can access them. Or, you can set Resource Groups to secure, so that residents have to log in to access them. You can further restrict access to secure Resource Groups by making them visible to owners-only, renters-only, or visible to all.

Designated area for Board-only documents. Nabr Network’s Board Center gives you a place to upload documents that only the Board should see. Only those residents with Board Member credentials can access the Board Center. Board documents can be sorted into categories making it easy to organize contracts, proposals, and other Board materials. You can also choose if Board documents should be managed by a community manager or if they should be managed by the Board itself.

Automatically announce the addition of new documents. When you upload a new document such as meeting minutes, you may want to announce the addition of that file to the community. Nabr Network has automated that process. When you upload a new document, you can simply check a box and an automated post will go out with a link to the newly added document. It’s a great time-saver and helps keep residents informed.

Learn more about how Nabr Network’s HOA document management features can simplify your workflow and benefit your communities.